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Mobility limitations are a common issue in society, and people with disabilities require the ability to travel between levels with ease and comfort. Using stairs and escalators is often not viable, and implementing stairlifts and elevators is vital in increasing independence. The installation of a platform lift is rapidly becoming the go-to option for transportation between multiple levels within the home and workplace.

Though often the standard answer to mobility challenges, elevators and stairlifts are not always the ideal fit for an individual’s needs. Though modern and sleek, elevators can be too expensive for the everyday budget. On the other hand, stairlifts may be more cost-effective but are often less reliable, slow to operate, and limited to moving only 1 -2 people between levels at a time. With the need to be attached to an existing staircase, a stair lift often does not complement the surrounding aesthetics and can not provide the individual with any privacy. Additionally, stair lifts commonly require the help of others to operate.

Offering many advantages, a platform lift is becoming a popular mobility solution in home and work environments. Smaller than an elevator or commercial lift and set at a competitive price point, a platform lift has many incredible benefits. (view our range of platform lifts)

What are platform lifts used for?

In simple terms, a platform lift is a machine that allows the elderly and disabled to travel between multiple levels with ease and comfort. Like an elevator, a platform lift (view our enclosed platform lifts range) can also be used in the home and the workplace but is available at a lower price point, similar to a stair lift. With the ability to serve two or more floors, platform lifts can transport a small number of individuals or wheelchair users within an enclosed structure.

A perfect alternative to installing an extensive and costly ramp for wheelchair access, platform lifts can service straight and curved staircases and come in two versatile options – vertical and inclined. (view wheelchair platform lift range) These two types of platform lifts have varying features and abilities that allow you to choose the option that best suits your individual needs and available space.

Visually resembling an elevator, a vertical platform lift only moves straight up and down. Not fully enclosed and surrounded by a protective shaft structure, a vertical platform lift is a cost-effective solution for increasing mobility independence and can transport up to 4 people between levels at a time.

In comparison, an inclined platform lift is generally best suited for open spaces as it requires increased space availability. Typically used to transport one individual between levels, either standing or in a wheelchair, an inclined platform lift can service both straight or curved stairways.

What are the benefits of a platform lift?

Encouraging greater independence for those with limited mobility, platform lifts offer many great benefits in the home and workplace:

  • Cost-effective: Platform lifts are available at a low price, similar to a stairlift, but offer benefits likened to an elevator. Additionally, with the reduced costs involved in installing, running and maintaining platform lifts, they are an affordable solution to increasing mobility in the home or workplace. Platform lifts are a highly economical investment with an expected life span of 20 – 25 years.
  • Versatile: Platforms lifts can be installed in indoor and outdoor spaces and service both straight and curved stairs. Irrespective of location, the installation of platform lifts is both quick and straightforward, making them an excellent choice for convenience.
  • Customisable: With customisable features and style options, platform lifts can be designed to suit your space’s required functionality and aesthetics.
  • Easy to use: Providing safe access between levels, platform lifts are easy to operate using basic features and simple technology. Platform lifts are utilised in a similar way to elevators with the use of standard buttons and do not generally require any support assistance from an additional person.
  • Safety First: Platform lifts use high-quality mechanical features to ensure the user’s safety. Offering ample space that comfortably fits a wheelchair inside, platform lifts also have a substantial weight requirement, allowing multiple people or goods’ deliveries to be easily transported between levels.

A platform lift may be the ideal solution to increase mobile accessibility, ease and comfort in the home or workplace. Compared to the standard elevator, the decreased financial outlay and required space of a platform lift make it a viable and long-lasting option for the everyday person. With excellent durability and less maintenance, it is no surprise that platform lifts are becoming increasingly popular in homes and workplaces across Australia.

Providing independence with easy access solutions, Axis Lifts offers expert service and lift solutions to residential, commercial and industrial markets. Prioritising safety and efficiency, Axis Lifts provides high-quality products to ensure that your platform lift is the perfect extension to improve accessibility and lifestyle.

Call Axis Lifts today on 1300 002 947 for more information on how we can help you increase mobility and independence in your home or workplace.